Day Three of Juicing…..I said No To Chipotle

It’s day three. It is getting better. My hunger is less there. Mentally, I can run a marathon. Physically, I am sure that wouldn’t be the best. I am more productive however. I just didn’t come home and turn on the TV like I always do. Hello, I named my dog, TiVO. So I am happy that I am truly making a lifestyle change and not just dropping a few pounds and adding them back the second I can eat. I am being more active and more in control of my life.

I did cheat twice today. I don’t really call it cheating though. I had a banana in the afternoon and an apple for dinner. Both fruits I have eaten very slowly. I am just not hungry. Ryan has said the same thing.

Today at work I had two things happen. One, a co-worker came to my desk to talk. That is ok, but the bag of popcorn freshly popped was not. I couldn’t even concentrate on what she was saying. I wasn’t starving…but I just wanted that popcorn SO bad. I had to have it. It was weird feeling. I didn’t like the fact that I couldn’t have any.

Those who know me, know I heart Chipotle. I can eat it everyday and in fact I have. So Tuesdays are Chiro and Chipotle day. I said no to Chipotle. However, I fantasized about just licking the rice.

Speaking of weird stuff, Ryan and I have had the weariest dreams. Just off the rocker dreams the last two nights.

Breakfast: Same as day two

Lunch: Jamie’s Lotus add carrots and chia seeds

Dinner: An apple w/ cinnamon

Weight: 132.8

Total Loss: 4.2 pounds

Exercise: 1/4 mile brisk walk with the puppies

Energy: Great in the morning after I had my more fruit based drink. Actually hyper.

Mood: Better. I am not so frustrated. Better spirits.

Overall Health: The crazy part is….I haven’t taken and allergy pill in the last few days. Crazy, right? I get horrible night time allergy attacks. Also, when I wake-up, I usually am so congested. Not the last two mornings.

Today’s advice: Add cinnamon to your fruit or other foods. Cinnamon helps stablize blood sugar (which is great for weight loss). A couple of dashes in your morning tea or cereal is all it takes!

Cost: $116, went to Sprouts yesterday and got the foods we ran out in two days.

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